Just wondering.... does anyone know where in the world nannies and cleaners grow from trees??? When you tell me, I'm moving there!!
Does anyone feel the same as me? I just can't stand the constant screaming in my ear. You can't have one single day without screaming.. and lots of it. My boys just scream for the sake of it, scream at each other and scream at me, Shane & Kristie. If only there was a little fairy in the house to keep the kids occupied so they don't scream while you are trying to get things done.
I said to my husband tonight that I can't believe I have turned into a screaming mother. Never, ever, ever thought that would be me because when we only had Krisite, our house was as quiet as a mouse. I know for sure that's not what the neighbors think!!!
I have had Jacob home for a week now and Aaron home since Saturday for various reasons. It is way too long. Can't imagine home schooling them. I would end up in the nut house in 2 weeks - not a second longer LOL!